Thunder Hall of Fame

Trine University has a long tradition of excellence in athletics. Although the emphasis is ever on the team accomplishments, individual performances have risen to a level that must be recognized. The Trine University Hall of Fame honors the best of the best Thunder athletes.

Criteria for selection


  • A. The nominee must be a graduate (in good standing) of Tri-State/Trine University and will be eligible for nomination after a minimum of five (5) years following graduation.
  • B. The nominee must have earned a minimum of two (2) letters in at least one sport of participation while at Trine University.
  • C. Or the nominee must exhibit unusual circumstances for not meeting A and B above. This must be approved by a 2/3's vote of the selection committee.


  • The team must have won a conference or national championship.
  • The team would be eligible five (5) years following the championship year(s).
  • Or the team must have had other recognizable or significant success at the national level or under unusual circumstances.

Coach/athletic administrator

  • The nominee must have served the University a minimum of five (5) years.
  • The nominee may be selected one (1) year after leaving the institution (in good standing).
  • Or, when not meeting A and B above, the nominee must demonstrate unusual circumstances which warrant consideration. This must be approved by a 2/3's vote of the selection committee.

Other (athletic trainer, student manager, faculty representative, media, announcers, radio, etc.)

  • The nominee must have served the sport(s) program in an exceptional manner and need not be a graduate of Tri-State/Trine University.
  • The nominee, if an employee, may be selected one (1) year after leaving the institution (in good standing).

Send completed nominations to:
Athletic Director
Trine University
1 University Ave.
Angola, IN 46703