Thunder End Year with 7-4 Victory

Thunder End Year with 7-4 Victory

ANGOLA, Ind. – Senior Garrett Hallford's four points secured a fourth straight win to finish out 2022 on New Year's Eve. The Trine University men's hockey team finished the sweep of visiting Hamilton College with a 7-4 victory.

The Thunder came out firing on all cylinders scoring the first three goals of the game, all in the opening ten minutes of play.

The first came after a turnover by the Continentals in the defensive zone. Sophomore Matt Bielinski came up with the steal before passing it toward freshman Evan Carroll who was set up in the far faceoff circle. He quickly forwarded it again to fellow freshman Sam Antenucci who cashed in for the goal.

Two minutes later sophomore Tim Organ fired a shot from the point during a power play opportunity. The puck ricocheted first off of Hallford before finding the stick of senior Brendan Prappas and into the back of the net.

Hallford carried the puck into the offensive zone a minute after the second goal firing a shot wide of the net. Senior Frank Trazzera collected the rebound along the boards and kicked it out to classmate Justin Meers who was able pass it back to the center of the ice for Hallford to get a second chance at the net. He succeeded this time for his first goal of the day, building the lead to 3-0.

Hamilton got on the scoreboard in the 17th minute of the period to make the game 3-1 going into the first intermission.

Early in the second the Thunder continued to score goals. Senior Brett Tierney made good play to keep the puck in the offensive zone after a missed shot. He handed it off to Prappas behind the net who passed it back to in front of the crease. There sophomore Bobby Price was ready to score the goal.

In the fifth minute, it was Bielinski who would keep possession of the puck in the offensive zone. He passed the puck back along the walls to behind the net where Prappas was once again ready to collect. Another pass to the front of the net let freshman Josh Wright fire a bullet into the back of the net to build the lead to 5-1.

The Continentals took advantage of a power play opportunity near the 13-minute mark to cut into the lead again and make the score 5-2.

It was a short-lived success with the Thunder quickly moving the length of the ice with the puck ending up in Hallford hands again for his second goal of the night. Senior Frank Trazzera and junior Chace McCardle added assists after recording passes during the movement.

The waning minutes of the period saw Hamilton score one last goal and the game entered the second intermission with a score of 6-3.

Each team would score one more goal in the third period to get the score to the 7-4 final. Hallford scored Trine's final goal with Tierney and McCardle adding assists.

The Thunder improve to 8-5-1 overall following the victory. They will make up their game against Stevenson University that was originally scheduled for early December when they next take the ice. They are scheduled to host the Mustangs on Tuesday, January 3 for a 7 p.m. contest.