Thunder Cross Country Among Nation's Best at Interregional Rumble

Thunder Cross Country Among Nation's Best at Interregional Rumble

ROCK ISLAND, Ill. – In the team's final event before the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) Championships, the Trine University men's cross country team took to the course at the Augustana Interregional Rumble at Saukie Golf Course. The Thunder placed 18th in a highly competitive field showcasing some of NCAA Division III's top talent.

Leading the way for Trine was sophomore Ryan Hoopingarner with a time of 25:11.3 in the 8k race. It is a new career-best for the underclassman to secure a 29th place finish individually. Behind Hoopingarner was junior Joseph Packard (76th) and junior Gehrig Longe (133rd). Packard ran a 25:45.5 and Longe a 26:11.7 (career-best).

Senior Jacob Myers was next with a time of 26:18.8 and freshman Max VanHuis was the final scoring member for the team at 26:20.8. Serving as blockers were sophomore Drew Sillaway at 26:33.1 and junior Matthew Edison at 26:34.8.

The 2023 MIAA Championships take place on Saturday, October 28 at Hope College. The men's race is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m.